A New idea........

Well then they say the best ideas come to you when you least expect them... well lm still waiting hahahaha But l did start to think that maybe an old idea l had looked at a few months ago could in fact work with some new ideas. So I have revisited the idea for selling packs of small cards. All different styles shapes etc. So l have set about designing some card shapes to be cut out of my cricut expression as well as some tags that will act as decoration. So having decided what style l then had to think about what type of card would a person like in a bundle. So it came about that the chosen area were... Birthday for both Male and Female like wise for younger people. Births, Get Well, Sympathy, Thank you and wedding [this is going to be a harder one than thought as it has to cover all aspects l guess...]

Bought some more books from that on line site that's the name of a river.  One that l did enjoy skimming through was one called 175 Fresh Card Ideas by Kimber McGray. If you want more details let me know and l will forward it. Its got lots of simple ideas that can be used and changed. We don't all have the same stamps that they use but if your anything like me you have a lot. I have put all mine onto a spread sheet and so far its up to 236 different sets or single stamp sets. I can recommend this to all. Not only for your own records but also just in case some thing is lost. I have done this for pro-markers and ink pads. I should do my books as l have in the past duplicated one. I was able to return it but i cant always rely upon that line of action.

Any way l have gone off the topic. The card set. Well after l have done all the design ideas l have to work out whats the easiest way of doing the toppers etc. So l just did the boxes triangles etc on a different page In Illustrator and then saved as a svg file. So now l just put a sheet of paper on my mat put through the cricut and wham there you have it all cut out and ready for gluing and pasting.

I will place a photo on this site when l have done so you can see what l mean.

Right of to do some designing.

Have a great week full of crafting...



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