Dkerkhof Designs have once again raised the bar when it comes to imagery that just blows your cotton socks off!

Deb's has brought to us 2 kit's called RUSTY 1 and RUSTY 2 and as you may have guessed the theme of this Digital Art Doll Kit is RUST!

Not only does it contain a selection of Art Dolls but also some rusted Metal objects including a Wonderful Metal Tree's image thats all rusty and is something thats going to be a Steam-punk stock pile image. So a nice collection of metal items that can be used in a lot of your digital projects.

To have a look at these kits: >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<

To visit the Dkerkhof on line store: >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<

To visit Dkerkhof''s Blog page: >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<

Now then you DON'T have to just be digital..

Why not print them out to size..

Cut the item out and then glue into position.

Just because it is from a DIGITAL KIT doesn't mean it has to be ONLY USED via a computer program. I print out images all the time and then trim with a craft knife or pr of scissors. Have fun experiment,

The BIG BIG TIP when cutting out is use either a dark Grey or Black marker and go round the cutout. This means that when your cutting the image out just leave a very small margin all the way round. Dont cut out all those tricky little bits of hair... Compromise and cut round the hair guess as to what it may look like and then with the area around the digital image just colour in.


Have a wonderful creative time with this kit and any from the range of Dkerkhof Digital Back Catalog.


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