Using an empty TIN CAN
Have been thinking about this for a while. So at the weekend l went out and bought some tin snips and waited. Well 1 tin of tomatoe soup later l was able to start.
After carefully removing the tin base and then cutting it in half. [PLEASE WEAR GLOVES AS THE EDGES CAN BE VERY VERY SHARP. If your not comfortable doing it ask another person to help out. Tin is sharp and can cut your hands easy. So GLOVES and TAKE IT EASY!]
Well after it had been washed and the edges sanded down so they were not sharp I then started to play. Using my Embossing folders and my Cuttlebug l started to put the tin through its paces. Plate 'A' - Two Plate 'B's' and a peice of thin card as a shim. Well the results were great and very impressive. The Shim just gave the deffinition a little deeper.
Using my Alcohol inks l started to put a few drops on and using a straw l started to blow. Adding a few drops ofBlending Solution thined the inks and l was able to manover the inks around easy.
After it was dry l started to build the card.
It is A4 in size. I inked the edges with Woodlands Ink. The lace was added and l made a bow which l then glued into place.
Tip for gluing the metal into place. I used a very good Silicone glue [or any simular silicone free one that you use for your Decoupage.
There you have it. Recycling tin's.
I have now started to build up a collection of metal embelishment and they are a fraction of what you pay in stores.
Hope it inspires you to try to make your own.
Keep Crafting
After carefully removing the tin base and then cutting it in half. [PLEASE WEAR GLOVES AS THE EDGES CAN BE VERY VERY SHARP. If your not comfortable doing it ask another person to help out. Tin is sharp and can cut your hands easy. So GLOVES and TAKE IT EASY!]
Well after it had been washed and the edges sanded down so they were not sharp I then started to play. Using my Embossing folders and my Cuttlebug l started to put the tin through its paces. Plate 'A' - Two Plate 'B's' and a peice of thin card as a shim. Well the results were great and very impressive. The Shim just gave the deffinition a little deeper.
Using my Alcohol inks l started to put a few drops on and using a straw l started to blow. Adding a few drops ofBlending Solution thined the inks and l was able to manover the inks around easy.
After it was dry l started to build the card.
It is A4 in size. I inked the edges with Woodlands Ink. The lace was added and l made a bow which l then glued into place.
Tip for gluing the metal into place. I used a very good Silicone glue [or any simular silicone free one that you use for your Decoupage.
There you have it. Recycling tin's.
I have now started to build up a collection of metal embelishment and they are a fraction of what you pay in stores.
Hope it inspires you to try to make your own.
Keep Crafting

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