It's still cold and frosty this month so we're looking for cards of the season. We're sponsored by Fresh Brewed Designs with a wonderful prize of a $10 gift certificate.
Hi. I am Heather Dennis. I am a home-schooling mother of 2 wonderful children, the wife of 12 years to the love of my life, a Christian and the owner of Fresh Brewed Designs. I have loved to draw and create ever since I was a child. My daughter has inherited my love of art and recently inspired me to start creating again.All the images in my shop are hand drawn. I offer a wide range of images from coffee, cute and inspirational. I also love to create custom drawn images, so if you are looking for anything in particular, please feel free to drop me an email.
Once again i have gone all digital with this card. As i do a lot of Altered Art nowadays this challenge gives me the opportunity to touch base with a wonderful medium called Digital Art.
It goes to show that the two can be actively part of our crafting schedules and l ask that you also dive in and explore what goodies can be obtained digitally.
Also the space saved its just mind blowing all you need is [Apart from your normal crafting staples ie Trimmer, Glue etc..] a Laptop/Computer ~ Several Digitally produced CD's ~ Printer and Paper and your card for mounting your print-out's on to! There you have it a design/crafting studio that can produce craft projects for 99%% of your Paper Crafting needs.
Any questions please get back to me and i will do my best to respond a.s.a.p.

It goes to show that the two can be actively part of our crafting schedules and l ask that you also dive in and explore what goodies can be obtained digitally.
Also the space saved its just mind blowing all you need is [Apart from your normal crafting staples ie Trimmer, Glue etc..] a Laptop/Computer ~ Several Digitally produced CD's ~ Printer and Paper and your card for mounting your print-out's on to! There you have it a design/crafting studio that can produce craft projects for 99%% of your Paper Crafting needs.
Any questions please get back to me and i will do my best to respond a.s.a.p.
Hi Alan, oh well better late than never, stunning card design and your colour choice is fabulous. Hope you go well at the hospital, and all goes to plan. hugs Shirleyxxx