RED ART DOLL A BRAND NEW kit from DKerkhof Designs
I have had so much fun with this kit. Its inspired me to do 2 of the best Digital Art Doll projects l have done.
They tell a story, the imagery is very strong yet on the other hand soft.
The main image was just one of those projects that kept building on its own, The Female Warriors cape was a set of folded back curtains from another kit,
ALL the items used for these projects are from DKerkhof Designs. Like the shield.. that was a BROOCH. Her staff was a HAT PIN.... The horse was a carousel horse complete with the pole that you hang on to while its going round. Her head piece was in fact yet another brooch. It just shows that with some thinking your able to make an object into another one or use.
This is the WONDERFUL thing about digital your able to manipulate it into something else.
To visit DKerkhof''s blog site: >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<
To have a look at the WHOLE Dkerkhof Catalog: >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<
To Visit the On-line Sore: >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<
To look at this wonderful digital kit: >>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<
Just a little information about the project below: The skirt was in-fact a tassel, I have had to copy and paste a few extra strands of the tassel so that l was abble to make it more full.
The background was a paper design from a Woodlands Kit, all l did was then add at the base a sand layer. So that it 'Melted' together a little graduation filter was used. this enabled me to slowly bring the sand in and then make it look natural.
If there are any questions that you want to ask or if there is something about digital art that your not sure on how to do then please send me a message and l will get back to you as soon as possible.
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