Its been a while since l did a 'Digital project' so l thought while l had time between layers of paint drying and waiting for some clear medium to arrive so lm able to protect the layer below l thought l would dive into a BRAND NEW KIT from Hollie @ HOLLIEWOOD STUDIOS called DREAM BIG.
Its filled with not just wonderful imagery but also as only Hollie does some wonderful overlays that can transform even the basic of projects into something spectacular.
So if you have a few extra spare pennies that you would like to treat yourself then this Digital Kit is just the things. It has not just some wonderful overlays, but Animals and some very usable imagery of the old style female form. A WONDERFUL WAY TO Start 2016 in CREATIVENESS!!!
Here is a link to the store so your able to have a look and see for yourself:

Oh a heads up on this kit.... All the other designers that work under the creative umbrella of Mischief Circus have pooled their creative talents and made digital kits that can work along side this kit. There is also a BIG BIG BONUS. If you spend more than $14.99 on any of the Dream Big Digital Kits then you get a GREAT BIG WHOPPING EXTRA DIGITAL KIT FREE!! yep FREE!!
So its well worth having a look at what's on offer and hopefully your able to add a few kits and reach that magical figure to get the extra large kit. By the way this extra kit is extras from the designers its not just items from 1 designer its ALL of them.
Its filled with not just wonderful imagery but also as only Hollie does some wonderful overlays that can transform even the basic of projects into something spectacular.
So if you have a few extra spare pennies that you would like to treat yourself then this Digital Kit is just the things. It has not just some wonderful overlays, but Animals and some very usable imagery of the old style female form. A WONDERFUL WAY TO Start 2016 in CREATIVENESS!!!
Here is a link to the store so your able to have a look and see for yourself:

Oh a heads up on this kit.... All the other designers that work under the creative umbrella of Mischief Circus have pooled their creative talents and made digital kits that can work along side this kit. There is also a BIG BIG BONUS. If you spend more than $14.99 on any of the Dream Big Digital Kits then you get a GREAT BIG WHOPPING EXTRA DIGITAL KIT FREE!! yep FREE!!
So its well worth having a look at what's on offer and hopefully your able to add a few kits and reach that magical figure to get the extra large kit. By the way this extra kit is extras from the designers its not just items from 1 designer its ALL of them.
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