A NEW Digital ART DOLL Kit from Dkerkhof Designs called: STEPPIN OUT......
Here is a new kit from Deb's @ Dkerkhof Designs... this time its just a collection of Art Dolls.. Made up as well as in seperate elements so that your able to build up your own doll.
These kits are multi purposed... Your able to bring a doll that you have created into ANY project as l hope to show with my projects on this page.
You can NEVER have enough sets ... Sometimes if your careful and take your time will some editing in a photographic program like Photoshop..... GIMP 2... Inkscape [the last 2 are FREE!] you then also have programs like Craft Artist and Magic Memories [there are other programs out there].
These programs able to modify your Art Doll elements.
Just always remember if you are going to amend anything ALWAYS and l MEAN ALWAYS do A COPY
There is 9 times out of 10 a simple keyboard short cut when you want to do a copy.
1. Select the item you want to copy
2. Press Ctrl + C
3. Press Ctrl = V
Then the item will appear on a new layer.
If you want to get into Digital Work then try GIMP2 or Inkscape. There are lots of videos on You Tube that will show you how to do lots of things.
However if you want to start to build up your Digital Collection and you have been buying collections from Dkerkhof Designs @ Mischief Circus as well as other Designers who are there.. I would suggest look out for Craft Artist 2 see if there is a sale on their web site and buy this program. It is a very good handy program aimed at the person who wants to get more involved with Digital Design Projects. I my self have in the past used this program however now a days all my work is done with Photoshop2017.
To have a look at This Art Doll Kit click on this link: >>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<<<<<<
Have FUN!!!!!
Project No. 1

These kits are multi purposed... Your able to bring a doll that you have created into ANY project as l hope to show with my projects on this page.
You can NEVER have enough sets ... Sometimes if your careful and take your time will some editing in a photographic program like Photoshop..... GIMP 2... Inkscape [the last 2 are FREE!] you then also have programs like Craft Artist and Magic Memories [there are other programs out there].
These programs able to modify your Art Doll elements.
Just always remember if you are going to amend anything ALWAYS and l MEAN ALWAYS do A COPY
There is 9 times out of 10 a simple keyboard short cut when you want to do a copy.
1. Select the item you want to copy
2. Press Ctrl + C
3. Press Ctrl = V
Then the item will appear on a new layer.
If you want to get into Digital Work then try GIMP2 or Inkscape. There are lots of videos on You Tube that will show you how to do lots of things.
However if you want to start to build up your Digital Collection and you have been buying collections from Dkerkhof Designs @ Mischief Circus as well as other Designers who are there.. I would suggest look out for Craft Artist 2 see if there is a sale on their web site and buy this program. It is a very good handy program aimed at the person who wants to get more involved with Digital Design Projects. I my self have in the past used this program however now a days all my work is done with Photoshop2017.
To have a look at This Art Doll Kit click on this link: >>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<<<<<<
Have FUN!!!!!
Project No. 1

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