DKerkhof Designs _~ Monthly Mischief ~ November: GRATEFUL DAYS
Well its that time of the year when ALL Designers from Mischief Circus come together and under a common theme they bring their individuality to the creative digital table.
Here are the digital images from Deb's from Dkerhof Designs.
To have a closer look at the Papers and digital elements just click on the links below and a new window will open up so your able to have a good look before you decide to pop them into your shopping bag.
Have a Look @ The Mini Kit 1: >>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<<<<<<
Have a Look @ The Papers: >>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<<<<<<
Below are a few samples of the creative project that l have been able to create as well as using elements from the other kits that Deb's has created for us. Showing that your able to mix and match .
Each kit does not stand alone.. they add up creating 1 GREAT BIG Digital Crafting Pot.


Here are the digital images from Deb's from Dkerhof Designs.
To have a closer look at the Papers and digital elements just click on the links below and a new window will open up so your able to have a good look before you decide to pop them into your shopping bag.
Have a Look @ The Mini Kit 1: >>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<<<<<<
Have a Look @ The Papers: >>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<<<<<<
Below are a few samples of the creative project that l have been able to create as well as using elements from the other kits that Deb's has created for us. Showing that your able to mix and match .
Each kit does not stand alone.. they add up creating 1 GREAT BIG Digital Crafting Pot.


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