Easter is over

Well the holiday has come and gone, its just flown past and l just dont know where the time has been and gone!
Still l managed to get some design work done and did 3 paper sets. I will sort out a link so that 4 of the papers can be downloaded and used freely. Just have to get into gear and on the computer to sort out the web site.
This week is going to be an intresting one as l have ordered the hero Arts build a scene dvd's so waiting in for those so l can get all creative. I have the stamps and its a smae that lm not using them to the full advantage.

Joined another web site and its looking good been made to feel very welcome. if your not a member here is the link..


Its worth a look at and maybe it will become an active part of your crafting world.

Well here is to a new week l hope that it goes well for you all.

Here are the free download part of the design sets l did I hope you like and will download and use.

Kindest Regards



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