The challenge was: You've suddenly realised that there is only two weeks to the big day and you still need to make a load of Xmas cards. So make a simple card, not too many layers or embellishments, easy enough to bash a load out in a couple of hours.

This is a situation that we all have come across as crafters. The forgotten Birthday ~ Anniversary Card etc. So l just opted for a simple image that l could 'Glitter up' with ease, on a plain white card.
From the  MAGICAL WINTER cd I & II there are loads of already made up toppers that you can just print out and then glue into place. The perfect solution for when your doing that card run be that for a School, Charity Group. All you have to do is select your image and then do a print run. I know this is not something as paper crafter we like to do. But sometimes the need out weights the hours we spend matching this element with that paper, then that ribbon with this button etc.

So l picked out a hand drawn star that l could embelish easly with my glue pen and fine glitter. This then takes the card from a simple print out to something that has been hand crafted which we all like to do.

The text was one that l had already on my computer and l chose a dark grey as l felt black would be to stark and stand out to much. [I  tend to do this all the time when lm working with text. Black text on a white back ground does take prominance so my tip would be opt for a darker grey.]

When l had printed out the star l just took my glue pen and not paying great care l just made sqiggles inside the chosen elements. I wanted just a hint of glitter. Sometimes when we dont pay great care the results are just as good as when we do. I wanted a 'Hand Crafted' feel.

This was then mounted on a steel silver card and then mounted again onto white pearl paper.

A simple easy card that if i had to i could do a longer run.

I hope this might help inspire you if your faced with this problem.

Keep Crafting and be happy.


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